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“I don’t know if you’re ready to see what I want to show you. But unfortunately, you and I have run out of time.”
Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
Me to You, now.
There exists a world beyond your current reality. There is a version of you that far exceeds your present self.
Similar to the film The Matrix, many are merely living a holographic existence. They’re being governed by life as a program governs a computer. A mere 10% of their potential, if that, is being utilised. Does this strike a chord? What percentage of your potential is being fulfilled?
Hello, I’m Matt. Welcome to my website. If you’re here because you’re seeking more – more purpose, more fulfilment, more fun, more joy, more peace – I’m here to be of service.
There is a path for you to become the person you were destined to be. We have work to do. We will strip away your fears. We will dismantle and reconstruct your paradigms. We will invigorate your soul and fortify your determination. We will unleash the boundless power within you.
Ready to begin?
Walk with me…
When I was young, one of my favourite pastimes was star-gazing outside the home. Looking up at the great expanse of universe, with stars and planets twinkling away, I marvelled at the cosmos. I pondered the meaning of life here on earth; the collective, and my own individual existence. From a very young age, I set in motion a lifelong journey of exploration – what it is to live, to love, to find purpose.
It’s now been many moons since those younger days of wistful gazing upon stars. Through incredible life experiences, I’ve discovered that the universe out there is but a reflection of the universe inside each of us. We each create the world we inhabit, and the fabric we use are our thoughts, words and deeds.
As my life has progressed, with many highs and lows along the way, I’ve connected dots. I’ve found answers to the most profound questions of all; Who am I? Why am I here? What is success? How do I achieve happiness?
My purpose is to help you do the same. My purpose is to help you become the person you were born to be.
Matt Main is a motivational speaker, author of inspirational literature, positivity advocate, enough guide, creator, adventurer, explorer, linguist, lover of life... and most of all, a human being.
Matt’s personal mission statement is: “To gift every person that I come in to contact with, an experience of increase, connection and love.”
In other words, to serve and bless every fellow human being, wherever he goes. If that is the people that he passes each day walking the street, at the gym or in the park, then the gift may be as simple as a smile or even just the discharge of positive energy.
If the connection lasts longer, such as with a client, family member, friend or participant at an inspirational event, Matt’s raison d’être may manifest through words, hugs, prayer and sometimes alarming levels of energy and giddiness!
Matt has many philosophies of life, but also, paradoxically, just one philosophy: Life is beautiful. It is the most marvellous gift we are all experiencing. And life is love, and love is the only force in all space and time.
Love is the means, the end, the reason, the question, the answer, the push, the pull, the light, the way, the truth. Love is God and love is heaven. Hell, a metaphorical place, and states of being or experiences such as anger, hatred, confusion, suffering, misery, addiction and violence, are simply measurements of the degree of the absence of love. Love is all.
Matt’s work is centred around how we immerse and indulge ourselves in a way of living that lives true to our innate nature as playful, joyful, loving and expressive beings.
A way of living that frees us all from the shackles of definitions and labels, roles and rigidity, and returns us to the pure, infinite beings that we already are and always were.
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